Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Strategy



Nurture Families has always strived to take a clear stance in relation to issues around equality diversity and inclusion, developing clear policies and procedures which seek to include and empower our staff team and volunteers and to ensure we are accessible and inclusive in every aspect of our work in communities.

Nurture Families are committed to meeting our responsibilities under the Equality Act 2010. We recognise that this is an ongoing process and to assist this work, to hear and include as diverse a range of contributions from across all stakeholders, we have established our EDI Working group chaired by our CEO and reporting to our Board of Directors.

The group will collaborate with the leadership team and the Board to: 

  • Identify gaps and ‘blind spots’ in our current provision and work with our service users and other stakeholders to find solutions and address these issues. 
  • Develop new policies and procedures as required to reflect a positive and open approach to EDI working and establish the right impact measures so we are accountable for what we do and say. 
  • Provide training and learning where required to develop skills and improve practice across all our staff team and volunteers.

Nurture Families’ commitment to equality, diversity & inclusion guarantees that we will strive to provide the best services for families across Worcestershire and Herefordshire. Our human resources and recruitment polices actively work to ensure we have a diverse and well-supported workforce, reflecting the communities we work with, to be clear about our individual responsibilities to challenge injustice and discrimination and how Nurture Families as an organisation can support others to do this and seek to remove barriers for families accessing our services.

As a community-based organisation Nurture Families is based and works within the communities it serves. We aim to work in an inclusive and participatory manner encouraging all families of Worcestershire and Herefordshire to be involved in and to contribute to the direction and priorities of the organisation.