How We Can Help

Our work serving children and families on-the-ground began in 2014, with early education programmes that placed relationships at the centre.

Today, we continue to deliver early education from our forest kindergarten site, alongside home visiting and doula services across Worcestershire and Herefordshire. We work with families from pregnancy through to age 3, supporting parents to build strong relationships with their baby and to create a safe and stimulating home environment.

We have spent years collecting data, speaking with parents and children to help us shape our services, and we will continue in these efforts to ensure that we are placing our efforts where they are best spent in our communities.

What is a doula?

A doula is trained professional who helps a mother achieve her healthiest pregnancy, labour and delivery possible by providing continuous educational, emotional and physical support at all stages of pregnancy: before, during and shortly after childbirth. Doulas support and comfort mothers and help them to have a safe and memorable birthing experience. A doula is responsible for informing and educating families about the different medical interventions, comfort measures, patient rights and other topics related to childbirth and post-partum education.

What is a home visit?

Our home visits by Nurture Families practitioners support parents to continue to build a strong relationship with their baby, creating a safe and stimulating home environment, whilst also connecting families with any additional community resources.

Our Expertise

Our doulas and practitioners work on-the-ground with families directly. Our doulas are trained maternity professionals, including an experienced midwife. Our home visiting practitioners are experienced early years practitioners with advanced training in attachment and child development.

We are passionate about supporting women throughout pregnancy and the early years of their child's life, offering impactful support that often becomes an essential part of family wellbeing and strong outcomes for children. We feel privileged to work with families in our communities in this way.

Our Impact

In it's first iteration, Nurture Families' parent-infant relationship team have been supporting families across Worcestershire and Herefordshire.
  • 100% of Mums reported an increase in their wellbeing, their baby's wellbeing.

  • Those who felt anxious when leaving the house reduced by 50%

  • 85% of Mums reported that they were more likely to engage with other supports.