Bonding With My Toddler Again

Nurture Families Stories
Read Time: 2 mins


I wanted to share my experience with the Parent-Infant Relationship Team at Nurture Families. I'm a proud mom of a 2-year-old boy and a beautiful newborn daughter.

When my daughter arrived, I found myself struggling to balance the needs of both my children. I was overwhelmed, and to be honest, I started feeling really disconnected from my 2 year old. It broke my heart because I wanted to be the best mom I could be for both of them.

I learnt about Nurture Families through a friend at Nurture Outdoor Kindergarten. I was curious about the Parent-infant Relationship Team, as it wasn’t something I’d heard of before, but I though they might be able to help. From very early on, they made me feel understood and supported. They created a safe space where I could openly express my feelings and concerns without judgment.

My parent-infant practitioner took the time to truly listen to me, and together, we worked on strengthening my bond with my son. They helped me to better understand his needs at that particular time – with, from his perspective, a new baby turning up uninvited! With the practitioner’s help I found ways to reconnect with him, and to reframe my thoughts about him and the difficult behaviours we’d been experiencing.

I can't express enough how grateful I am for the guidance and expertise of the team. They not only helped me improve my relationship with my son but also provided invaluable support during these challenging early stages of motherhood – it’s all temporary and gets better, I promise. They empowered me with advice and understanding that I will continue to use as a parent.

Thanks to the Parent-Infant Relationship Team, I now have a deeper and more meaningful connection with both my children. I've witnessed positive changes in our family dynamics, and it fills my heart with joy. It's not always plain sailing, and some days are complete write offs, but we keep growing together.

If you're a parent navigating the extreme ups and downs of raising young children, I wholeheartedly recommend reaching out to the Parent-Infant Relationship Team at Nurture Families. They have been a true lifeline for me, and I know they can make a world of difference for you too.

Wishing you all the love and support on your parenting journey!


Nurture Families Parent-infant Relationship Team includes Clinical Psychologists and parent-infant therapists. Our services include home visits and centre-based therapy.

We cover Worcestershire and North Herefordshire currently.

Get in touch today to work one to one with our parent-infant relationship practitioners, home visitors and parent-infant therapists.

Hannah Reeve

Hannah is a social entrepreneur with more than a decade of experience working with children and families. She is a founding member of Nurture Families.